Shades of Gray 38x43 oil on canvas
WeWillFindOurWay 36x38.jpg
A WayThrough 16x19 Oil on panel
Available at Chapman Art Gallery, Cotuit, MA
Linger In Lavender 18x16 Oil on Panel
Golden Hour 18x20 oil on panel
Finding a Way 24x31 oil on panel
Available at Cove Gallery, Wellfleet, MA
Beautiful Chaos 3.5x14.5 $1100
Awakening 8x8 oil on panel
Available at Cove Gallery, Wellfleet, MA
After the Rain 18x24
Available at Cove Gallery, Wellfleet, MA
There is a Way 9x8 oil on panel
Seasons Change 22x28
Cove Gallery, Wellfleet MA
Overlapping Memories 24 x 46 oil on canvas
Symphony in Yellow 13x11.75
Cove Gallery, Wellfleet
Find A Way 9x8 oil on panel
Available Cove Gallery, Wellfleet, MA
Enthralled19x42 oil on canvas
Amidst the Chaos 9x8 oil on panel
Available, Cove Gallery, Wellfleet, MA
In the Thick of It 22 x 45, oil on panel
Available Cove Gallery, Wellfleet, MA
On and On 9x8 oil on panel
Silent Symphony 10x28
Available Cove Gallery, Wellfleet, MA
Shifting Reds18x24 oil on panel
Available at Chapman Art Gallery, Cotuit, MA
Across the Divide 41x41 Oil on canvas
Seeking Refuge 9x9 oil on panel
Available Chapman Art Gallery, Cotuit, MA